D-Arts is the company of Christina Back, created to represent and produce her per­sonal work and to pro­vide a frame­work for explo­rations and investi­gations into the inter-disci­plinary artistic dia­log and the under­standing of space.

The com­pany has existed since 2002 and have for example pro­duced Time at The Other Opera, Copen­hagen; Maya Lin/ Finn Juhl exhibition at The Museum of Deco­rative art, Copen­hagen; Room 4A at The Carlton Arms Hotel, New York; and Rum: Astray I and II at Vega, Copenhagen.

D-Arts per­forms tasks within instal­lation art, per­formance, set design, hap­pen­ings, exhibi­tion design, archi­tec­ture, re­build­ing and ­reno­va­tion, inte­rior design, deco­ration, object design and graphic design.

The company also functions as consul­tant and project de­velop­er for private people and com­panies.